Sage Port #2 ACC

  Architectural Control Committee

    Larkspur, Colorado                  

History of our Sage Port #2 Covenant ACC Membership 1971 - today

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Sage Port #2 was founded in 1971 by the Colorado Western Development Co. and is controlled by a set of Protective Covenants which are a legal attachment to all our property deeds. As the foundational document it controls and protects our collective property rights. As a matter of Law it is critical it is correct and current.

This document is only 2 pages, clearly written and easy to read and understand. It has never been modified, and in 2016 owners voted to recertify it till 2026. No other 3rd party documents or organizations are capable of overriding it.  Also note that the ACC is the only organization established for Sage Port #2 and importantly there is no establishment of an HOA!

The original filing creating Sage Port #2, in 1971, is filed with the Douglas County Clerk and Recorder, Book 220, Page 763.

The original officers named to the ACC were: Julius Pickoff, John L. Sieber, and Lee E. Stubblefield. 

First change was in 1984, Book 539, Page 519. At that time John Sieber and Lee Stubblefield had passed away and the remaining member Julius Pickoff resigned appointing his replacements to the ACC as Melodie Oliver, Pat Kelly and John Scarlett

Second change was in 1986, Book 664, Page 151. At that time Melodie Oliver and Pat Kelly  had resigned and the remaining member John Scarlett appointed Sandy Sanders and Cliff Wallace. 

Third change was Oct 2007, Recording Ref #2007081079 (replaced Book & Page). At that time John Scarlett had passed away. Sandy Sanders and Cliff Wallace resigned selecting their replacements as Wilfred Magnan and Lisa Burt.

Forth change was July 7th 2017, Recording Ref #2017046139. At that time Dennis Nuttall was appointed by Wilfred Magnan to replace Lisa Burt who had resigned after 10 year of ACC service

Fifth change was May 2nd 2018, Recording Ref #2018026353. At that time our current ACC Members, Dennis Nuttall and Wilffed Magnan appointed George Parsons to fill our last open position 

(NOTE: the above references to Books and Pages are how the legal documents are filed with the Douglas County Clerk & Recorder and have been the only changes to the ACC membership from original 1971 Covenants to today)

Original 1971 founding of Sage Port #2           

1st Change1984     

2nd Change 1986       

3rd Change 2007 4th Change 2017

5th Change 2018

JuliusPickoff  appointed >


John Scarlett appointed > 

Cliff Wallace     appointed >

Wilfred Magnan     appointed > Dennis Nuttall     

Dennis Nuttall

John L. Sieber             


Melodie Oliver          


Sandy Sanders  appointed >

Lisa Burt 

(resigned 2017) 

Wilfred Magnan     appointed >

George Parsons

Lee E.Stubblefield      


Pat Kelly                   


John Scarlett              


Wilfred Magnan   

Please note that the Covenant ACC membership has been continuous and unbroken for over 50 years! In each recording of a new officer the document specifically references the previous filing to establish that the officer listed has the legal standing to appoint the new officer. This provides the traceability necessary in record searches.

The only way a Sage Port #2 property owner can hold an office in the Covenant ACC is:

  • By being appointed by a current ACC officer and recording the change with the County.

  • Through an owners election, where a majority can remove or appoint officrs and recording the changes with the County, (this has never happened). 

As for the so called Sage Port HOA operation that often contacts owner obtaining Building Permits claming that they need to approve the Permit.

Please be aware that this private group has No Covenant ACC authority - of any kind - over the property owners of Sage Port #2!  You have no legal requirement to provide any building plans or even talk to them! 

Should you be contacted my a member of this group simply ask them - Who appointed you to the Sage Port #2 ACC?